Debt Collection
Allied National’s nationwide & international debt collection consultancy provides the supportive measures our clients need to achieve positive outcomes in collecting debts.
Judgment Recovery
Our nationwide litigation support and judgment recovery platform was created to provide cost containment to law firms when it comes time to take remedial actions to collect a judgment.
Litigation Support
We can provide your firm litigation support and post judgment recovery platforms. In addition, We provide non-recourse funding and financing for litigation (minimum claim amount $10.000.00 no maximum).
Our nationwide debt collection platform provides creditors and law firms the supportive measures needed to collect outstanding obligations.
Allied National, Inc.
HQ and Central Operations
12020 Shamrock Plaza Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68154
402.319.7654 Office
800.456.5770 Toll Free
Collecting commercial debts is all about setting achievable goals and attaining quality outcomes with measurable results.
Nationwide Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management information found on the linked pages is intended as a quick reference to the subjects covered. It does not reflect Federal Statutes, and it may not reflect amendments to the laws of all states. This information should not be construed as legal advice and readers should not act upon the information contained in it without professional counsel. Please contact us to talk to a consultant.